Monday, February 01, 2010

Getting Your Service Business Listed on

As webmaster for the Internet Center for Wildlife Damage Management, I receive a number of requests from nuisance wildlife control operators to have their businesses listed. I am happy to do it. But there are a few requirements in place that must be met before a company can be listed.

First, the ICWDM has two categories of businesses, service vendors and product vendors. This blog will only address the service vendors.

If you have a wildlife control company that you would like listed, then send me your FULL contact information. That means, name, business name, mailing address with zip code, e-mail address, and phone number.

As one can see from our site, we only list name, town, state, and phone number, so you will have some privacy. We do not recommend listing toll free numbers as it may encourage harassment calls from animal rights activists.

The next step you must take is to sign up for our free newsletter. To subscribe send an e-mail message to: LISTSERV@UNL.EDU

In the Message Field (NOT Subject line) type in: SUBSCRIBE ICWDM

That is it. I will be automatically notified that you have subscribed.

Please note that the e-mail you include in your full contact information must match the e-mail listed in the sign up. Otherwise, I won't know you have signed up.

Unfortunately, most businesses get waylaid by this requirement. Perhaps they are fearful of spam. Let me assure you that the ICWDM does NOT spam. Presently our newsletter is quarterly. So at most you might get 6 e-mails a year from me.

Beside marketing our newsletter, the purpose of the listserv is to keep track of businesses. So many people enter and leave the NWCO business that I needed a way to keep track so I don't get complaints from visitors that so and so company's phone number no longer works. If the e-mail you have provided bounces, we drop your name from the website. So it is critical that if you change e-mails or don't empty your inbox on at least a quarterly basis, you will be dropped. We do not necessarily notify businesses that they have been dropped.

Sometimes, NWCOs would like to have a link to their website included in their listing. We are happy to do this for 75.00 a year. We would make your name or phone number a hyperlink to the site. Display ads begin at 150 dollars/year.

Last year our site received 1.5 million visitors. So we think listing with us will bring value to any business.

Stephen Vantassel, CWCP, ACP

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